Before our daughter was born, my wife and I were looking for a new dresser and I was frustrated by the quality and cost of dressers big enough to fit everything we wanted/needed. So I decided to build my own! Afterwards, I realized I had become hooked on everything woodworking related. I began replacing other pieces of furniture throughout the house while learning new techniques. I started receiving requests from friends and family for custom items and soon began selling various products online. What began as a simple way to have a nice dresser for my daughter, has developed into a passion for all things wood and I strive to deliver items that are recognized for their quality and detail.
The namesake and inspiration for the logo came from many summers spent at my Grandma's house along Lake Winneconne where she lived on Sunset Trail. The background and inspiration for the logo were the view from her backyard.
Thanks for checking out the site and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any ideas for a custom project or variation of something you see here!